The Reschini Group

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No More Off-the-Shelf: Fashioning Insurance from the Customer’s Perspective

Henry Ford once famously said, as his revolutionary Model T automobile entered production for the first time, “Customers can have our car in any color they want – as long as it’s black.”  With a stranglehold on the market, Mr. Ford could dictate his offering however he saw fit.  Things, to say the least, have changed since then.

The market for insurance in all its forms and for all its purposes continues to expand.  The number of providers and the products they offer have done the same.  This increased selection and heightened environment of competition translates into better service – as long as insurers remember one thing.  In order to win customers in the modern marketplace, insurers must understand what customers want, rather than focus simply on what their own products can do.Off-the-shelf solutions cannot be the answer to every – perhaps even most – customer needs.While customer needs may seem simple and straightforward, providing advice is not.  In one example, this is particularly true given the complex and changing economic financial conditions facing younger people.  Millennials carry 300% more student debt than their parents, and earn 2.9% in average annual returns on 401(k) plans, compared with 6.3% returns for Baby Boomers.  Many younger workers will need to remain in the workforce longer, as well.  Federal data suggest that Millennials will need to work until age 75. *Technological advances have made financial and insurance data more accessible to consumers, but achieving a true understanding of how to apply that information still suggests working with an experienced advisor.These trends contribute to the approach taken at The Reschini Group, where we maintain relationship-driven interactions with clients.  Each situation has its own traits, needs, and demands, so we have staked our reputation on serving those distinct factors to protect our clients as effectively and economically as possible.We have plenty of shelves, but your customized solution will not be taken from any one of them.  Contact The Reschini Group to learn more about putting together, or updating a current, insurance package to meet your unique situation.

Copyright 2018 The Reschini Group The Reschini Group provides these updates for information only, and does not provide legal advice. To make decisions regarding insurance matters, please consult directly with a licensed insurance professional or firm.*