On the Same Team: Serving as Client Advocates
By Mike Drew, The Reschini Group
Mistakes, they say, offer avenues to enlightenment and growth. They also very often lead to insurance claims of one sort or another. The claims process can go relatively simply and quickly, or arduously and lengthy, as competing interests vie for advantage and financial objectives. Wouldn’t it be great to have an advocate, familiar with the intricacies and inner-workings of the insurance industry, at your side?
Often, insurance brokers report claims but provide no management support to maximize the efficacy of insurance dollars, and no advocacy in defense of a claim when a carrier denies coverage. These brokers are happy to renew your coverage but maintain minimal involvement until the next renewal.Conversely, other insurance brokers bring decades of underwriting and analytics experience to report your claims to the appropriate insurance company, proactively manage the data, and advocate for you when necessary. Such value-added service costs you nothing and provides peace of mind that insurance carriers will meet contractual obligations requirements. The results can have a direct and positive effect on your bottom line.As part of the normal course of business, the professionals at The Reschini Group manage our customers’ claims by careful collection and analysis of their loss data. This approach creates an active, functional tool from which we can present options to determine the best program structure for your business. Our Claims Team reviews and analyzes coverage opinions and reservation of rights letters issued by your carriers. If pushback is warranted, and you authorize us to do so, we will attempt to convince the carrier to reconsider and, ultimately, to reverse any adverse decision we feel is not sound. Although we cannot legally represent you, we can parallel our efforts with your attorneys and supply any necessary support in order that your rights are protected at a high level.People learn from their mistakes. That’s human nature. But when mistakes result in insurance claims, you should have a knowledgeable advocate on your side, to protect your interests. Contact our team at The Reschini Group for more information on this important aspect of your coverage.
Copyright 2017 The Reschini Group The Reschini Group provides these updates for information only, and does not provide legal advice. To make decisions regarding insurance matters, please consult directly with a licensed insurance professional or firm.