Safety and Risk Management Consulting
Safety first, last, and at every point in between.
The most successful businesses operate with the highest levels of safety. That applies equally to the heaviest manufacturing concerns, as well as the most desk-bound service provider. An employer that respects its people by keeping them safe typically reaps the business rewards.
Bringing our in-house team of safety experts to your on-site scenario.
The Reschini Group offers a safety consultant staff unlike other providers. Armed with educational backgrounds in safety and health, plus hands-on experience with scores of customers, our team brings the skills and insight to improve the safety performance of your business , along with the benefits in premiums that can result.
Customers have appreciated the practical ideas our safety experts have introduced, such as establishing an on-site safety committee to earn discounts on workers’ compensation coverage, raising job-related safety as a core competency to reduce injuries and associated health care expenses, and paying closer attention to driver behavior to lower accident rates and the cost of recovery.
Get safe in the knowledge that your safety program works well.
Can there be an easier, more efficient, and more rewarding way to improve your productivity and profitability than by upgrading your safety program?